
Affiliated to the RHS & the Kent Association of Horticultural Societies

Our Shows

We hold two shows a year - Spring and Summer

Spring Show

Nailbourne Horticultural Society - Spring Show 2024

We held our Spring Show on Saturday 6 April in Bridge Village Hall and after a mild but very wet winter, we were all concerned that there would be a lack of exhibits.  However, members came up trumps and although the entries in the daffodil classes were greatly reduced, the number of entries in the two tulip classes certainly made up for this.  We were also delighted to welcome a good number of visitors who came in to support us and enjoy the Show.

As in previous years our President, John Hill, presented the prizes which this year were won as follows:

Barbara Robbins Memorial Cup for most points in the cut flower classes: Linda Ellis
Best Pot Plant: Brenda Wood (with a cyclamen covered in beautiful flowers)
Best Bloom in Show: Joan Hill, with a stunning tulip
Whitten Spencer Cup (Chairman’s Challenge pot of Minnow narcissus): John Hill
Hill Trophy for “Best Photograph in Show”: Peter Fairweather.

The three Open Classes were won by Raj Dasan (chitted potatoes), Rajini Dasan (flower arrangement entitled “Awakening”) and Peter Fairweather for his photograph entitled “Nailbourne 2024”.  Sadly the class for pre-school children attracted no entries.

Peter and Jan Aplin were our judges other than for the photography class which John Newell kindly judged.

The staging of the Show is very much a team event and thanks go to the members of the Committee as well as the volunteers who helped on the day, to those who entered, without whom there would be no show, and finally to those who came to support us.

Summer Show


The 2024 Summer Show of the Nailbourne Horticultural Society was held this year on Saturday 27 July in Bridge Village and attracted a good number of visitors who were greeted by a colourful display to feast their eyes on when they entered the hall.  Although the number of entries was slightly down on 2023 (a total of 159), the number of exhibitors had increased by two which is an encouraging sign.  

As always the Chairman’s Challenge helped to increase entry numbers and this year 24 members brought their Geranium “Angel Eyes” along to be judged, with Peter Ellis being declared the winner and receiving the Whitten Spencer Cup. 

In keeping with tradition, our President, John Hill, presented the prizes, with Peter and Linda Ellis being the major winners.  Not only did Peter win the Champion Cottage Gardeners Cup for most points in the vegetable classes, but, as last year, he also received the Tankard for his collection of three vegetables and the Blee Cup for most points in show.  Mirroring last year, he and Linda won the Household Duo cup for most points as a couple, with Linda herself taking the Silver Rose Trophy for most points in the flower classes.

There were however a number of other winners, including two new members, Matt Wood - who narrowly beat Raj Dasan to win the Fremlin’s Challenge Cup for most points in the cookery classes  - and Dani Lawrence who received the Handicraft Plate for her exquisite piece of work.

Rajini Dasan successfully defended her win of last year and was presented with the Sarah Louise Prestige Cup for most points in the floral art classes.  Still on floral art, Pleasance Kirk received a voucher for winning the open class in this section with her splendid “Paris Olympics” exhibit.

The two open photograph classes attracted a number of entries and vouchers were presented to winners Joan Hill and Deborah Esdale whilst Joan Hill was also presented with the Hill Trophy as her “Single Bloom” entry was judged the Best Photograph in Show.  Jackie Thackray was rewarded with a voucher for being the people’s choice for a single rose judged for scent alone.

We are grateful to Pam Dobson and Helen Groves who gave up their time to judge the three garden classes in mid-June.  Caroline Hollands received the Plate for the Prettiest Small Garden for her delightful oasis of a garden, and Judy Jeanes and Brian Phillips, new members of the Society, saw off competition from four others to be worthy winners of the Silver Rose Bowl for the Most Picturesque Garden.  Meanwhile the Pewter Tankard for the Best Kept Vegetable Garden was shared by Christine Sladden and Tony Walder, both former winners of the trophy.

We are indebted to Peter and Jan Aplin who again judged the Show and to John Newell who judged the photography classes.
Finally, putting on the Show is very much a combined effort and our thanks go to everyone who helped in so many different ways to make it a success.

Show Handbook

Cup Winners